Hello everyone! Let me start by saying that this foundation was made possible with amazing support from family and friends. Just like many that suffered a spinal cord injury, my life changed in the blink of an eye. There is no way to prepare for sudden life changes as this but it shines light on the inner warrior that each of us possesses. I’ve learned through my personal experiences that the word “impossible” is just a figment of our imagination. Anything is possible with enough hard work and dedication!
My goal for the foundation is to provide help through rehabilitative exercise, financial assistance, and more importantly community. I want to show those with paralysis that life can still be lived to the absolute fullest regardless of disability! I am excited to accompany many on their journey to accomplish things they were once told would be impossible.
We do not get to choose what events interrupt our life, but we can choose how they affect us. Let’s get to work!
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